Tag - Health

What Causes Night Sweats

What Causes Night Sweats?

Night sweats are common amongst about 3% of Americans. Unless you live in a really hot environment or wear too many clothes for bed, night sweats are not normal. Essentially, night sweats, as the name suggests, are hot flashes that happen when you are asleep. If you have ever woken up either drenched in sweat, under circumstances where you normally wouldn’t sweat, is signs of night sweat. While there are many causes for night sweats, we aim to list the...

Sleep and Metabolism

How Sleep Affects Metabolism

Sleep affects bodies more than we realize. When we sleep, the body goes through a host of metabolic and hormonal processes to stay healthy, fit and active. Although, this requires us to get the right amount of sleep. If you are suffering from sleeping disorders or you generally sleep more than required, then your chances of contracting some form of metabolic dysfunctions are very high. One such study conducted with over 130,000 adults between the age of 40-70...

Binge Watching Effects and Influence on Sleep

Binge Watching: Effects and Influence on Sleep

As we consume content on the go, thanks to the boom of online streaming websites and apps, the numbers of health problems related to binge-watching are also on the rise. A 2018 survey noted that almost 70% of Americans are binge-watchers on a weekly basis and 55% of American household subscribes to at least one streaming platform. While on the other hand, there are studies to prove that excessive screen time can harm the body and also increase...

Sleep Works Differently for Men and Women

Sleep Works Differently for Men and Women

Ever heard the phrase, “women need more sleep than men”? It is true and there are a lot more reasons than we realize. Science tells us that men and women require a different amount of sleep as their bodies function a lot more differently. A more recent study suggests that women need at least twenty minutes more sleep than men every day, and on an average of at least 8-9 hours sleep. But despite these affirmations, studies also suggest that women...

Best Sustainable Bedroom Gifts for Your Loved Ones

Best Sustainable Bedroom Gifts for Your Loved Ones

With the holiday season in full swing and a new decade right around the corner, it’s the ideal time to pick up gifts for partners and friends. While conventional gifts have ruled the roost all these years, eco-friendly and sustainable products are in vogue and make for great gifts today. Green gifting is the need of the hour and it does a great deal in helping the environment. While most people are making the shift towards sustainable products, some...

Mental Health and Sleep

Mental Health and Sleep: How they influence each other?

Does sleep affect the mental health or is it the other way around? It is hard to say. Doctors and researchers have observed that people suffering from some form of mental illness have disrupted sleep as compared to a person without any indication of mental illness. But on the other hand, doctors also believe that sleeplessness in people with mental illness precedes the illness itself and is a symptom to some form of illness. Let us take a look at...

Why Do We Sleep

Why Do We Need Sleep?

A good night’s sleep gives you the rest you need, leaving you more productive and creative for the next day. While the mind shuts down when you hit the sack, the brain does not disconnect from the environment. There is a lot of processing and restoring happening every night to ensure your immunity is built and memories are saved. However, without sleep, the body and mind get affected. Why humans need to sleep every night or what exactly happens in the...

7 Common New Years Resolutions People Make for Themselves

7 Common New Year’s Resolutions People Make for Themselves

It’s that time of year again! We’re winding down 2018 and preparing to ring a brand new calendar year. And with any New Year comes New Year’s resolutions. Some of them will end abruptly after few weeks, others might make it to see the summer, and very few will carry their new year's resolution list with them for the next 365 days. In fact, according to U.S. News, approximately 80% of new year resolutions ideas fail by the second...

How To Change Sleep Schedule

5 Healthy Ways on How to Change Your Sleep Schedule

Does this sound familiar: every night you tell yourself you’re going to go to bed early and follow a strict sleeping pattern but every night you find yourself wide awake at 2am reading the latest mind-numbing Donald Trump tweets. As you know, following a proper sleeping pattern is ideal for you to have a good night's sleep. Our bodies love routine and going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at...

Sleep 1

6 tips for a better night’s sleep

We’ve all been there. Tossing and turning, eyes wide open, constantly starting at the clock counting down the hours till your alarm goes off, wishing you could just doze off into a blissful, peaceful sleep. You employ every trick in the books; count sheep, recall your day hour by hour, run through situations in your head that will probably never happen, but none of it works. Eventually you wake up in the morning feeling hazy, clouded, and far from refreshed....