Sleep Better

Switching from Night Owl to Early Risers

Tips: Switching from Night Owl to Early Risers

As health consciousness amongst Millennials is on the rise, a lot more youngsters prefer being an early riser to a night owl. Those who habitually stay up late are also striving to become early birds by adjusting their schedules or even their lifestyle. Sleeping late every day attracts a host of health problems as it is not always possible to attain eight hours of sleep every night. Moreover, waking up early in the day gives you a few hours ahead of...

Can Music Help You Sleep Better

Can Music Help You Sleep Better?

With the growth in technological advancements, it is much easier to find solutions online to help us sleep better. One such is the influence of soothing music during bedtime. Various musicians and researchers have collaborated over the years to study whether music can actually improve quality sleep, and the answer is a definite yes! Music is therapeutic for many people. However, not all forms of music can aid you in sleeping well. The National Sleep Foundation suggests that listening to music...