Tag - bedding

How to Choose the Right Bed Sheets and Mattress

How to Choose the Right Bed Sheets and Mattress

Buying a new mattress or replacing old ones is often quite the task. Identifying the right mattress goes a long way in ensuring your body rests correctly. A wrong mattress that doesn’t suit your body can make it difficult to fall asleep, affect sleep patterns or can cause back or neck pain. To avoid this, it is essential to understand what your body needs. But the job isn’t done with just choosing the right mattress. Buying the best sheets can add...


6 Ways to Get Yourself out of Bed Quickly

Does a worse sound exist than that of your alarm going off at 6AM (early bird) on a Monday morning? I know, just the thought of it makes you cringe. And we all know what happens next; snooze after snooze until you finally work up the courage to force yourself out of bed. Getting out of bed is one of the most difficult tasks we face in our daily routine. The counterintuitiveness of it all is what makes it so...

bamboo brdige

8 Unusual Bamboo Uses

Bamboo is a fascinating plant. Some people only know it as nutrition Pandas love to snack on, but in reality, the plant has a variety of practical uses that humans have leveraged for thousands of years. Not only is Bamboo a multi-practical plant, but it is also an extremely sustainable one that is good for our planet.  Did you know that bamboo is one of the fastest-growing natural resources on the planet (it can grow up to one yard per...