
Switching from Night Owl to Early Risers

Tips: Switching from Night Owl to Early Risers

As health consciousness amongst Millennials is on the rise, a lot more youngsters prefer being an early riser to a night owl. Those who habitually stay up late are also striving to become early birds by adjusting their schedules or even their lifestyle. Sleeping late every day attracts a host of health problems as it is not always possible to attain eight hours of sleep every night. Moreover, waking up early in the day gives you a few hours ahead of...

Coping with Coronavirus COVID 19

Coping with Coronavirus (COVID-19)

*In an attempt to inform our patrons and readers, a few of our pieces will solely focus on ‘Coping with Coronavirus’. Stay home and stay safe - Bamboo Sheets Shop. The novel Coronavirus (COVID - 19) pandemic has currently affected close to 200,000 people worldwide and claimed over 7,000 lives in its wake. Countries across the globe are imposing social distancing and have even closed their borders as a measure to further curtail the virus spread...

Drinking Water Boosts Sleep Quality

Why Drinking Water is Essential to Boosting Sleep Quality?

A word of advice that’s commonly passed around for a healthier lifestyle is to ensure adequate hydration. Water plays a vital role in our day to day functioning and maintains electrolyte balance within our body. Dehydration can lead to a host of body ailments and can also affect sleep greatly. A study published by the Oxford Academic concluded that lack of hydration can lead to shorter sleep durations. The study analyzed sleeping patterns and urine samples of 20,000 participants...

Sleep and Insomnia

Sleep and Insomnia: Two Sides of the Same Coin

If you are having regular sleepless nights or irregular sleep, you are probably wondering if you have insomnia. This article will help you understand the science behind insomnia and the actions one can take to sleep better at night.

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep or to stay asleep the whole night. Insomnia occurs over a sustained period of time. Have you tried developing a sleep schedule  before bedtime and in the...

Can CBD Actually Help You Sleep Better

Can CBD Actually Help You Sleep Better?

The use of the cannabis plant for health benefits has been a long-debated and criticized topic all over the world. With the onset of legalization of the sale and distribution of medical marijuana in many parts of the world, researchers are discovering the effects it has over the body and the mind. Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two main components of the cannabis plant. Cannabidiol also knows as CBD does not cause or induce a high in people, unlike...

Awesome Gift Ideas

5 Awesome Gift Ideas Suitable for Anyone On Your List

The holidays are around the corner and you know what that means; lots and lots of gift shopping! Hate it or love it, buying gifts is a big part of this time of year. Every year you tell yourself you’re going to get it done early, before the malls are jam packed with people, and every year you leave it for the last minute. And the last thing you want is for a friend or a family member to have...


6 Ways to Get Yourself out of Bed Quickly

Does a worse sound exist than that of your alarm going off at 6AM (early bird) on a Monday morning? I know, just the thought of it makes you cringe. And we all know what happens next; snooze after snooze until you finally work up the courage to force yourself out of bed. Getting out of bed is one of the most difficult tasks we face in our daily routine. The counterintuitiveness of it all is what makes it so...

How To Change Sleep Schedule

5 Healthy Ways on How to Change Your Sleep Schedule

Does this sound familiar: every night you tell yourself you’re going to go to bed early and follow a strict sleeping pattern but every night you find yourself wide awake at 2am reading the latest mind-numbing Donald Trump tweets. As you know, following a proper sleeping pattern is ideal for you to have a good night's sleep. Our bodies love routine and going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at...

Gadgets Cover

6 Cool Gadgets for Your Bedroom

From the iPhone to self-driving cars, technology has certainly come a long way in the last decade. A new gadget’s success is largely dependant on the usability and convenience it provides to the end user. And while industries from communication to transportation have been revolutionized in recent years and plenty of coverage along the way, one department of innovation that gets less attention is the bedroom. A wave of new tools and resources have given birth to brand new sleep...

pablo azurduy 69535

6 Reasons Why Bamboo is Better Than Cotton

You may think of bamboo as that cool looking plant that grows largely in parts of Asia. What you may not know about Bamboo is that it offers a wide variety of applications from construction materials and textiles to musical instruments and of course, linen. It seems somewhat counterintuitive that on one hand bamboo can be used as a solid material in the construction of homes but on the other hand can be turned into a soft, silky fabric...