Tag - Health

Effective Tips to Improve Sleep During the Lockdown

Effective Tips to Improve Sleep During the Lockdown

The ongoing global pandemic caused by the novel Coronavirus continues to manifest its effects in many ways. One such is its effect on our sleep quality. The majority of the world’s population is forced to stay within the confines of our house to prevent the spread of the virus. However, staying under lockdown for weeks can have an impending effect on our sleep quality. Moreover, we have also seen instances of people reporting about an increase in wired dreams, as a...

Benefits of Sleeping on Your Left

Tips: Benefits of Sleeping on Your Left

We all have our preferred sleep positions in bed. This is our go-to position to induce and fall asleep faster. While doctors and medical experts believe sleeping on your back is the ideal position, not many prefer or practice this. Most people prefer to sleep on their sides or in the fetal position. Sleeping on your side ensures a host of positives, especially on your left.Sleeping on your left reduces heartburn, alleviates acid refluxes, improves circulation, betters digestion. This is...

Binge Sleeping Effects and Consequences

Binge Sleeping: Tips, Effects and Consequences

Over the year, the way we live and sleep has changed drastically. Right from sleeping at sundown many years ago, to the era of sleeping at sunrise as we practice today - we have come a long way in modifying our sleep architecture to adapt to the growing modern lifestyle. Unfortunately, this comes with a host of implications. Most common being, insomnia, increased mental health issues, and other forms of sleep disorders. In search of a solution, the new age adult,...

Irregular Sleep Wake Cycle

Know More About Irregular Sleep-Wake Cycle

Globally, sleep is generally considered and practiced as a nighttime activity. We fall asleep at night after a long day to ensure our body rests and recovers. However, there are people who suffer from the rare case of irregular sleep-wake cycles. This condition is an uncommon form of circadian rhythm sleep disorder. People suffering from this condition tend to sleep in several smaller intervals during a 24hour period. For instance, one may sleep between one and four hours in many...

Bedtime Workout

Bedtime Workout: Can it Enhance Sleep Quality?

Exercising is a great way to stay healthy and in shape. It not only promotes a better physical lifestyle but also keeps mental health in check. Subject to one’s active and busy lifestyles, people work out at different times the day. However, there’s an idea that working out closer to bedtime results in an energy boost in the body making it difficult to fall asleep. This would then either lead to restlessness or interrupted sleep. As a result, most people prefer...

Tips for Getting Rid of Sleep Bags Under the Eyes

Tips for Getting Rid of Sleep Bags Under the Eyes

Sleep bags under the eyes can be quite a concern for people. These are usually formed with age when weakened and sagging under the eyes relaxes. Over time with our lifestyle choices or genes, sleep bags can get even puffier and prominent. Generally harmless, these bags are a cosmetic concern. They are most noticeable in the morning as fluids settle in through the night, hence deriving the name - sleep bags. However, sleep bags could also be a sign of underlying...

Coronavirus Situation Update

Coronavirus: Situation Update

*In an attempt to inform our patrons and readers, a few of our pieces will solely focus on the ‘Coronavirus pandemic’. Stay home and stay safe - Bamboo Sheets Shop. Over the last few weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought everyday life to a complete halt. While countries and economies try to recover from with different strategies, the worldwide cases and the death toll has been overwhelming. Closer to home, the virus continues to have a deadly impact every...

Can Better Sleep Boost Your Immune System

Can Better Sleep Boost Your Immune System?

In the wake of the pandemic, coronavirus, taking over the world, we take a look at how sleep affects the immune system. It is not enough to merely stay clean or social distance yourself, rather is it very important to also get adequate hours of sleep every night to stay healthy. For, studies show that lack of sleep or chronic sleep deprivation can weaken your immune system and make you fall...

Pregnancy Sleep Tips

Pregnancy Sleep Tips: How to Keep Insomnia and Sleep Disorders at Bay

Going through pregnancy requires lots of planning and support to maintain overall health and wellbeing. As the months for delivery near, the expecting mother is seldom in a state of comfort. In addition to nausea, body pain, back pain, fetal movement, and general discomfort, pregnant women are prone to developing insomnia or other sleep disorders. Through this article, we will learn some common sleep disorders reported by pregnant women and tips to overcome its related consequences.

Common Sleep Problems Amongst Pregnant...

Tips to Overcome Anxiety Before Bedtime

Tips to Overcome Anxiety Before Bedtime

Anxiety and stress are considered the leading cause of sleep disorders amongst most adults. It is not uncommon to lay in bed with a racing mind, unable to fall asleep, while at the same time, being flushed with anxiety. While it is important to understand that beating anxiety before bedtime can be achieved but it cannot be done overnight. Therefore, to help you sleep a little better every night, here are some tips you can adopt as part of your...