Monthly Archives - September 2016


Four Great Gift-Ideas for Sheet Lovers

The old cliché goes that most women love shoes. Perhaps, this is true. What is certain beyond a shadow of a doubt though is that most women are homemakers. While many women ooh and ahh over stilettos, these women – and some men – are scouring through the home improvement stores at the mall instead, looking at bamboo bed sheet sets, plush rugs, and wooden blinds. So for the home decorating diva – or gentleman – in your life, here are...


Buying Sheets: Choosing Colors that can Improve your Sleep

The color of our sheets carries way more importance than most people think. When we choose them, we should consider our lifestyle, taste, and how the colors may ultimately affect our sleep. There is hardly a color that meets all these needs, so buyers need to decide on their priority from the get-go. White sheets can brighten a room and add a sophisticated simplicity. But for all that, it dirties quickly, stains easily, and can sabotage your sleep. This is because...


Buying Sheets: What Makes Sheets High Quality and why it Matters

Several things impact the quality of sheets including thread count, weave, and even where the sheets were made. But does it really matter, considering we’re not even awake for the majority of the time we spend between the sheets? The answer is yes. Knowing what makes sheets high quality can prevent you from spending too much money on marketing gimmicks like thread count alone. Good quality sheets are also more durable, less likely to shrink and lose their shape, and may...