Monthly Archives - November 2019

7 Common New Years Resolutions People Make for Themselves

7 Common New Year’s Resolutions People Make for Themselves

It’s that time of year again! We’re winding down 2018 and preparing to ring a brand new calendar year. And with any New Year comes New Year’s resolutions. Some of them will end abruptly after few weeks, others might make it to see the summer, and very few will carry their new year's resolution list with them for the next 365 days. In fact, according to U.S. News, approximately 80% of new year resolutions ideas fail by the second...

Awesome Gift Ideas

5 Awesome Gift Ideas Suitable for Anyone On Your List

The holidays are around the corner and you know what that means; lots and lots of gift shopping! Hate it or love it, buying gifts is a big part of this time of year. Every year you tell yourself you’re going to get it done early, before the malls are jam packed with people, and every year you leave it for the last minute. And the last thing you want is for a friend or a family member to have...


6 Ways to Get Yourself out of Bed Quickly

Does a worse sound exist than that of your alarm going off at 6AM (early bird) on a Monday morning? I know, just the thought of it makes you cringe. And we all know what happens next; snooze after snooze until you finally work up the courage to force yourself out of bed. Getting out of bed is one of the most difficult tasks we face in our daily routine. The counterintuitiveness of it all is what makes it so...

How To Change Sleep Schedule

5 Healthy Ways on How to Change Your Sleep Schedule

Does this sound familiar: every night you tell yourself you’re going to go to bed early and follow a strict sleeping pattern but every night you find yourself wide awake at 2am reading the latest mind-numbing Donald Trump tweets. As you know, following a proper sleeping pattern is ideal for you to have a good night's sleep. Our bodies love routine and going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at...