
bamboo brdige

8 Unusual Bamboo Uses

Bamboo is a fascinating plant. Some people only know it as nutrition Pandas love to snack on, but in reality, the plant has a variety of practical uses that humans have leveraged for thousands of years. Not only is Bamboo a multi-practical plant, but it is also an extremely sustainable one that is good for our planet.  Did you know that bamboo is one of the fastest-growing natural resources on the planet (it can grow up to one yard per...

Crazy palces to sleep

5 Crazy Places People Have Tried To Sleep

Have you ever been so tired you just couldn’t keep your eyes open and just drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep right there on the spot? Who am I kidding, we’ve all been there! Whether it be caused by a heavy workload, the stress of a school year or the result of uncomfortable bed sheets (although we have a fix for that), the burden of our everyday lives can leave us feeling sleep deprived, and as a result can...

pablo azurduy 69535

6 Reasons Why Bamboo is Better Than Cotton

You may think of bamboo as that cool looking plant that grows largely in parts of Asia. What you may not know about Bamboo is that it offers a wide variety of applications from construction materials and textiles to musical instruments and of course, linen. It seems somewhat counterintuitive that on one hand bamboo can be used as a solid material in the construction of homes but on the other hand can be turned into a soft, silky fabric...