Tips for Coping with Mental Health Amidst Coronavirus

Tips for Coping with Mental Health Amidst Coronavirus

Tips for Coping with Mental Health Amidst Coronavirus

The novel Coronavirus pandemic has intensively worsened across the globe with WHO reporting over 700,000 cases and close to 34,000 deaths in 202 regions, countries or territories. The global pandemic has singlehandedly brought the world to a standstill as a number of nations have imposed lockdowns in an attempt to ‘flatten the curve’. Closer to home, the United States now leads the unenviable chart of the highest number of confirmed cases in the world with over 140,000 cases, surpassing China by a huge margin. The enormous burden on hospitals and medical personnel in the frontlines are beginning to show as they try to cope with the rise in cases. Stressful times like these can also take quite a toll on mental health with an air of fear and anxiety looming in the air.

One in ten people around the world suffers from some form of mental disorder. It is imperative to take care of your mental health and support ones in need of care, both physically and mentally now.

Tips to keep your mental health in check

Take a break

Constantly being bombarded by news or details of the pandemic on social media, news, etc., can be quite stressful. Take breaks to cope with the stress and manage your media consumption. Watch a movie or read a book instead.

Physical activity

Being locked at home for weeks can make you lazy. Make a home work out a schedule so you can maintain an active lifestyle indoors too. It is essential to stay healthy during this period. Exercise every day, eat healthily, sleep adequately, drink enough water and build a routine.

Stay connected

Feeling lonesome during the lockdown too can affect you mentally. Talk to friends and family, express your feeling and stay in touch over the phone, email or social media. Reach out to the elderly. We truly live in a world, thanks to the internet and video calling apps, where we can stay together even while social distancing, make use of it to the fullest.

Achievable goals

Start by setting easier or achievable goals. This will give you both purpose and keep your confidence in check. Also, help out the people around you and this could positively impact your mental health. For instance, 21 days of exercise challenge, or taking up an online course, or even if it just learning to cook, this is the right time to take up new hobbies.

Inform yourself

The pandemic has only opened the gates on misinformation, causing further panic and fear. Inform yourself through trusted and verified sources like the WHO or the CDC. Stop the spread of misinformation to make life less stressful for everyone.

Stress-relieving activities

Pick up a hobby or a fun activity to unwind from all the stress. If you’ve never had the time, now is your chance. You can also lookup breathing exercises or try meditation. Relaxing can help ease anxiety and help calm nerves.

Connect with nature

If the conditions in your region allow you to step outside, take a walk outside. Ensure to follow social distancing guidelines at all times. If you’re under a lockdown or quarantined to your home, ensure sunlight enters your space. Spend some time by the window or arrange your space to get a view of the outside world.

Bamboo Sheets Shop Recommends

Mental health at a time of global crisis can be overwhelming. The trick is to take care of your body and give it adequate sleep, food, and exercise. Following a healthy sleep schedule will also calm your nerves. For this, we recommend our softest bamboo sheets. Made from 100% rayon, our premium bamboo sheets will guarantee you sleep like a child, every night.

Additional Reading

We request all our readers to inform themselves and share information from only verified and trusted sources.

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