Tips: Maintaining a Healthy Sleep Cycle While Working from Home
Given the ongoing global pandemic, a majority of workforce across industries are forced to work from home. For this purpose, we previously recommended a few tips to work from home successfully. In light of this, we focus on the effect of sleep quality when forced to stay indoors all day for weeks (perhaps, months). Naturally, any change in lifestyle has the potential of impacting the sleep cycle and quality. Moreover, working from home also increased the burden of managing domestic chores and family time. Such a sudden shift can also affect mental and physical health.
So, what can you do to ensure that you get the right amount of sound sleep, while also adjusting with the forced lifestyle? Let’s dig in.
Balancing Work from Home and Sleep Quality
Sleep is critical to maintaining a healthy life, regardless of working from home or not.
Avoid Working at Night
Your body clock is used to sleeping at a particular time and waking up at a particular time. When you work from home, you may feel that there is lot of time in hand, and hence push your work for later in the day. In addition, not having to wake up early in the morning to get ready for the day is another incentive to work late into the night.
This, eventually, creates a pattern of irregular sleep as you lose hold of your time management. However, your internal body clock is not aware of this change in lifestyle and any amount improper sleep gives rise to a host of sleep-related problems like insomnia and other mental health issues. To avoid this, work during the day for fixed hours, stick to your normal sleep cycle and make a conscious effort to not take sleep for granted.
Stick to your Bedtime Schedule
Different people have different bedtime schedule. A healthy bedtime schedule typically relaxes your body and creates an optimum condition to induce sleep. While working from home, it can get challenging sticking to the usual sleep cycle, let alone maintain a healthy bedtime routine.
However, sticking to your bedtime routine not only ensures that you get the right amount of sleep but will also boost your energy, mood, and productivity for the next day. This could be either working out before bedtime, listening to soothing music, reading a book, or meditating. Remember to also stay hydrated, for water enhances sleep quality.
Alternatively, you can also try sleep tracking apps to make sure you are not sleep deprived.
Bamboo Sheets Shop Recommends
Above all, we should not forget that we are fighting a global pandemic that requires us to take care of ourselves. For this purpose, sleep plays an important role as good sleep is equivalent to a good immune system. And, a healthy immune system is required to fight off sickness.
Therefore, we recommend upgrading to bamboo sheets for better sleep. Our superior range of bamboo sheets is ultra-soft and comfortable, guaranteeing you the best sleep, every night.