
Switching from Night Owl to Early Risers

Tips: Switching from Night Owl to Early Risers

As health consciousness amongst Millennials is on the rise, a lot more youngsters prefer being an early riser to a night owl. Those who habitually stay up late are also striving to become early birds by adjusting their schedules or even their lifestyle. Sleeping late every day attracts a host of health problems as it is not always possible to attain eight hours of sleep every night. Moreover, waking up early in the day gives you a few hours ahead of...

Tips for Coping with Mental Health Amidst Coronavirus

Tips for Coping with Mental Health Amidst Coronavirus

The novel Coronavirus pandemic has intensively worsened across the globe with WHO reporting over 700,000 cases and close to 34,000 deaths in 202 regions, countries or territories. The global pandemic has singlehandedly brought the world to a standstill as a number of nations have imposed lockdowns in an attempt to ‘flatten the curve’. Closer to home, the United States now leads the unenviable chart of the highest number of confirmed cases in the world with over 140,000 cases,...

Coronavirus Work From Home

Coronavirus: Tips to Work From Home

*In an attempt to inform our patrons and readers, a few of our pieces will solely focus on the ‘Coronavirus pandemic’. Stay home and stay safe - Bamboo Sheets Shop. The novel coronavirus pandemic has infected over 400,000 people across the globe and has resulted in a death toll numbering close to 20,000. Nations have imposed lockdowns and social distancing as a measure to curb the transmission. The United States is now amongst the worst affected nations and...

Coronavirus Social Distancing

Coronavirus: Social Distancing

The Coronavirus spread continues to grow exponentially around the globe. With governments across the globe taking preventive measures to curb the spread of the virus, high-risk countries like China, Italy, Denmark, France, Spain and a handful other countries have declared a complete lockdown creating mass quarantines. As the number of cases rises in the United States - over fifteen thousand confirmed cases and 201 deaths recorded by the CDC at the time of writing, citizens are being advised...

Coronavirus: Steps to follow if you are sick

Coronavirus: Steps to follow if you are sick

The Coronavirus pandemic has gripped the world and the World Health Organization has confirmed more than 200,000 cases over 166 countries, regions or territories at the time of writing. The CDC has reported over 7000 confirmed cases within the United States and 97 deaths. The virus is transmitted primarily from person to person through close contact or through respiratory droplets from coughing/sneezing. The Coronavirus infects people everywhere regardless of age, climate, region, etc. Since there is currently no...

Myth Busters About Coronavirus

Myth Busters About Coronavirus

The COVID-19 global pandemic has currently affected over 150 nations and cases continue to grow at a rampant rate. Governments, World Organizations, doctors, scientists, and health experts are scrambling to deal with the threat of the Coronavirus in an attempt to dampen the spread. While the many measures taken have shown significant progress, the outbreak has also made way for a great share of misinformation and myths. Spreading misinformation over social media negates the severity of the infection and...

Coping with Coronavirus COVID 19

Coping with Coronavirus (COVID-19)

*In an attempt to inform our patrons and readers, a few of our pieces will solely focus on ‘Coping with Coronavirus’. Stay home and stay safe - Bamboo Sheets Shop. The novel Coronavirus (COVID - 19) pandemic has currently affected close to 200,000 people worldwide and claimed over 7,000 lives in its wake. Countries across the globe are imposing social distancing and have even closed their borders as a measure to further curtail the virus spread...

Pressure Point for Better Sleep

Pressure Points for Better Sleep

With an increase in the number of people suffering from insomnia and sleep disorders, preference for acupressure remedies are on the rise. Finding its roots in traditional Chinese medicine, acupressure stimulates certain pressure points on the human body as part of physical and mental healing. This is mainly because the human body is capable of self-healing, and when these pressure points are activated rightly, it goes a long way in treating illness and relieving pain. In this article, we will...


Microsleep: Meaning, Symptoms, Effects on Health

Have you ever dozed off for a second in class or the movies, and suddenly woken up by head jerk? A phenomenon such as this is known as microsleep. Essentially, it is small bursts of sleep or loss of attention that can last for a few seconds, even without the knowledge of the person. While microsleep is most common when you are sleep deprived for long hours, it is most common with people suffering from sleep disorders like insomnia, narcolepsy...

Sleepwalking Symptoms and Causes

Sleepwalking: Symptoms and Causes

Sleepwalking occurs when a person is in deep sleep and at that time, results in walking or carrying out other chores. Studies point that at least 18% of the world’s population sleepwalks at least once in their life. Sleepwalking occurs most commonly in children but many adults too face this when extremely sleep deprived. When a person sleepwalks, they are: Unaware of what is happening to them; Usually in a deep sleep stage; Able to carry out multiple tasks, that...