Better Sleep

Can Better Sleep Boost Your Immune System

Can Better Sleep Boost Your Immune System?

In the wake of the pandemic, coronavirus, taking over the world, we take a look at how sleep affects the immune system. It is not enough to merely stay clean or social distance yourself, rather is it very important to also get adequate hours of sleep every night to stay healthy. For, studies show that lack of sleep or chronic sleep deprivation can weaken your immune system and make you fall...

Why Do We Yawn

Why Do We Yawn?

Yawning, not just humans, but a lot of animals as well do it. In essence, we yawn to take in a big breath of air into our lungs. Most often, we yawn when we are tired or sleepy by the end of the day, or as soon as we wake up in the morning. For years now, yawning has been associated with drowsiness and the body’s signal to fall asleep. However, there is a lot more to yawning than merely...

Pregnancy Sleep Tips

Pregnancy Sleep Tips: How to Keep Insomnia and Sleep Disorders at Bay

Going through pregnancy requires lots of planning and support to maintain overall health and wellbeing. As the months for delivery near, the expecting mother is seldom in a state of comfort. In addition to nausea, body pain, back pain, fetal movement, and general discomfort, pregnant women are prone to developing insomnia or other sleep disorders. Through this article, we will learn some common sleep disorders reported by pregnant women and tips to overcome its related consequences.

Common Sleep Problems Amongst Pregnant...

Tips to Overcome Anxiety Before Bedtime

Tips to Overcome Anxiety Before Bedtime

Anxiety and stress are considered the leading cause of sleep disorders amongst most adults. It is not uncommon to lay in bed with a racing mind, unable to fall asleep, while at the same time, being flushed with anxiety. While it is important to understand that beating anxiety before bedtime can be achieved but it cannot be done overnight. Therefore, to help you sleep a little better every night, here are some tips you can adopt as part of your...

Tips for Coping with Mental Health Amidst Coronavirus

Tips for Coping with Mental Health Amidst Coronavirus

The novel Coronavirus pandemic has intensively worsened across the globe with WHO reporting over 700,000 cases and close to 34,000 deaths in 202 regions, countries or territories. The global pandemic has singlehandedly brought the world to a standstill as a number of nations have imposed lockdowns in an attempt to ‘flatten the curve’. Closer to home, the United States now leads the unenviable chart of the highest number of confirmed cases in the world with over 140,000 cases,...

Coronavirus Work From Home

Coronavirus: Tips to Work From Home

*In an attempt to inform our patrons and readers, a few of our pieces will solely focus on the ‘Coronavirus pandemic’. Stay home and stay safe - Bamboo Sheets Shop. The novel coronavirus pandemic has infected over 400,000 people across the globe and has resulted in a death toll numbering close to 20,000. Nations have imposed lockdowns and social distancing as a measure to curb the transmission. The United States is now amongst the worst affected nations and...

Switching to Bamboo Sheets as a Sustainable Eco-friendly Option

Switching to Bamboo Sheets as a Sustainable Eco-friendly Option

Up until a few years ago, vision 2020 meant that humans were set to accomplish milestones in terms of technology, growth and development. However, the reality we live in is much to the contrary. With rampant forest fires across the Amazon, California and Australia, earthquakes in Puerto Rice, Indonesia, and other volcanic risk zones, now followed by the coronavirus pandemic has put the world in a frenzy. In light of this, we draw focus on how climate change is shifting...

Coronavirus: Steps to follow if you are sick

Coronavirus: Steps to follow if you are sick

The Coronavirus pandemic has gripped the world and the World Health Organization has confirmed more than 200,000 cases over 166 countries, regions or territories at the time of writing. The CDC has reported over 7000 confirmed cases within the United States and 97 deaths. The virus is transmitted primarily from person to person through close contact or through respiratory droplets from coughing/sneezing. The Coronavirus infects people everywhere regardless of age, climate, region, etc. Since there is currently no...

Myth Busters About Coronavirus

Myth Busters About Coronavirus

The COVID-19 global pandemic has currently affected over 150 nations and cases continue to grow at a rampant rate. Governments, World Organizations, doctors, scientists, and health experts are scrambling to deal with the threat of the Coronavirus in an attempt to dampen the spread. While the many measures taken have shown significant progress, the outbreak has also made way for a great share of misinformation and myths. Spreading misinformation over social media negates the severity of the infection and...

Coping with Coronavirus COVID 19

Coping with Coronavirus (COVID-19)

*In an attempt to inform our patrons and readers, a few of our pieces will solely focus on ‘Coping with Coronavirus’. Stay home and stay safe - Bamboo Sheets Shop. The novel Coronavirus (COVID - 19) pandemic has currently affected close to 200,000 people worldwide and claimed over 7,000 lives in its wake. Countries across the globe are imposing social distancing and have even closed their borders as a measure to further curtail the virus spread...